Feature #3009
nethserver-devbox replacements
Status: | CLOSED | Start date: | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | <multiple packages> | |||
Target version: | v6.6-rc1 | |||
Resolution: | NEEDINFO: | No |
- nethserver-mock, for RPM building
- nethserver-createiso, for ISO building
The new tools use a minimal configuration approach, and should be simpler to set up.
Related issues
Associated revisions
Initial version. Refs #3009
Added NethServer 6.6 configuration. Refs #3009
Allow git tags containing "-" character. Refs #3009
Only last 2 components of `git describe` output are considered.
Insert development changelog from `git log` output. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
spec: move from spec.in to spec. Refs #3009
New ISO and RPM build scripts. Refs #3009
Fixed Requires tag. Refs #3009
Added release-tag script. Refs #3009
Merge pull request #56 from DavidePrincipi/build-scripts
New ISO and RPM build scripts. Refs #3009
Fedora YUM config for building rpms. Refs #3009
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #2770: Devbox: missing rpmspec command added
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #2879: build-rpm error on Fedora 20 added
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from v6.5 to v6.6-beta1
In nethserver-testing/6.6:
- complete the RPM workflow with the upload part
- write the documentation
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from v6.6-beta1 to v6.6-rc1
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti over 6 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Davide Principi)
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
Davide Principi wrote:
To completely replace and obsolete the old tools, we must
- complete the RPM workflow with the upload part
I added two shell functions to my ~/.bashrc
This is a simple shell function that uploads RPMs:
function upload-rpms() { dest=$1 shift scp ${*} ${dest} host=${dest/%:*/} path=${dest##${host}:} ssh ${host} "pushd ${path} && make dispatch-rpm && make clean && make && popd" }
And this is another function that cleans up the git directory and executes the complete workflow:
function pbuild-rpms() { git clean -x -f && make-rpms *.spec && sign-rpms -k MYKEYID -f ~/.secret *.rpm && upload-rpms "$1" *.rpm }Assumptions:
- runs into the project directory
- cleans up any non-tracked file
- the project must have only one .spec file
- any RPM will be uploaded
- remote repo make will be invoked
Sample invocation:
pbuild-rpms host:/path/nethserver/6.6/testing
Updated by stephane de Labrusse over 6 years ago
hi all
I have tried nethserver-mock, it is quite good, but it build by default in the repository where it is used, so if you use it in your git repository you can do a mess.
Indeed you can use it outside of your git repository but it is a command line more for changing your place of work.
Could it be possible to add an 'exchange' folder where rpms will be saved, this will be more convenient rather to play with cd command all the time. Of course if you do so, you must give the path where rpms are, so the buildder can copy and pasted with a convenient way to move his rpm.
here the script i use https://github.com/stephdl/git_mockbuild/blob/master/git_mockbuild
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
stephane de Labrusse wrote:
here the script i use https://github.com/stephdl/git_mockbuild/blob/master/git_mockbuild
Thanks for sharing your script Stephane! I think I'll take the CHANGELOG.git idea on loan ;)
is different from nethserver-devbox
: bare bone vs over-engineered :) The first is somehow process-agnostic (good), the latter is tailored on my personal build infrastructure (no good).
So I think the most important thing in nethserver-mock
are the mock config files: I hope they could be useful for other scripts.
Also, to ease package testing, I'd like to set up a public CI environment to automatize package builds in the near future, but this is another thread.
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from v6.6-rc1 to v6.6
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
- Status changed from TRIAGED to CLOSED
- Target version changed from v6.6 to v6.6-rc1
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
In nethserver-base 6.6:
Documentation pull request:
Updated by stephane de Labrusse over 6 years ago
No Problem Davidep, I'm glad to help...
The idea to have a main central build server, is the thing to do.....please go on.
Can we open another bug to get the rpm/srpm in another folder than the git folder ?
Updated by Davide Principi over 6 years ago
stephane de Labrusse wrote:
No Problem Davidep, I'm glad to help...
The idea to have a main central build server, is the thing to do.....please go on.
Sure! I'd like travis-ci or similar.
Can we open another bug to get the rpm/srpm in another folder than the git folder ?
Yep! Why not? Maybe a customizable --resultdir
argument to mock
is enough...
Updated by stephane de Labrusse over 6 years ago
Indeed or in a folder called exchange in the user home.