Enhancement #2773
Backup data: web interface for restore
Status: | CLOSED | Start date: | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | nethserver-restore-data | |||
Target version: | v6.6 | |||
Resolution: | NEEDINFO: | Yes |
Add a simple web interface to restore data from backup.
The user should be able to:choose between one of available backups- restore only from latest backup
- select a directory or search for it using a string
- restore one or more directory in the original destination or a into a new directory
Associated revisions
nethserver-backup-data.exclude: exclude backup list from backup. Refs #2773
spec file. added nethserver-backup-data dependency. Refs #2773
language. added language translation for restore message. Refs #2773
nethserver-backup-data.exclude: remove non-existing restore dir. Refs #2773
ui. removed unused backup paths from interface. Refs #2773
Use jQuery 1.9.1, jQuery-UI 1.8.23. Refs #2773
Fixed nethgui sha1sum and path.
ui. removed duplicate entries on graphic tree. Refs #2773
ui. removed unused fullpath attribute on json tree. Refs #2773
ui. refactor code for nethgui guidelines. Refs #2773
ui. graphic restyling. Refs #2773
core. improved dump and visualization of xml tree. Refs #2773
ui. search enabled with at least 3 chars inserted. Refs #2773
spec: add duc dependency. Refs #2773
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 7 years ago
- Status changed from NEW to TRIAGED
- Target version set to v6.5
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 7 years ago
- Status changed from TRIAGED to ON_DEV
- % Done changed from 20 to 30
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from ON_DEV to TRIAGED
- % Done changed from 30 to 20
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from v6.5 to ~FUTURE
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version changed from ~FUTURE to v6.6
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Status changed from TRIAGED to ON_DEV
- Assignee set to Edoardo Spadoni
- % Done changed from 20 to 30
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Category changed from nethserver-backup-data to nethserver-restore-data
Updated by Davide Principi about 6 years ago
In nethserver-testing:
Updated by Edoardo Spadoni about 6 years ago
- Status changed from ON_DEV to MODIFIED
- Assignee deleted (
Edoardo Spadoni) - % Done changed from 30 to 60
The package nethserver-httpd-admin-1.4.1-1.4.g39cbb43.ns6.noarch.rpm has been updated to upgrade jQuery and jQuery-UI to 1.9.1 and 1.8.23 respectively because the web interface for restore (this issue) requires and high version of jQuery. The package has been tested on a clean machine with all nethserver* packages installed. All views seem to work properly and also the Dashboard tabs work well.
Test case for nethserver-httpd-admin package.
Install the package and check if all views of the admin page work well.
- Install the package
- Configure a backup (on view BackupData of admin dashboard)
- Launch script to start a backup (simply run
In the graphic tree, there may be directories not included in the backup.
- Check on view RestoreData if graphic tree of directories is created and it is navigable
- Try to type something in the search input and check if the tree showed the matched strings
- Select Restore data in the original path and check if the backup data are properly restored (overwritten)
- Select Restore data in new directory and check if the backup data are properly restore in new directory.
- Select multiple nodes in the tree (by holding Ctrl key) and choose Restore data in the original path or Restore data in new directory and check if all nodes are properly restored
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Status changed from MODIFIED to ON_QA
- % Done changed from 60 to 70
- nethserver-restore-data-0.0.1-1.8.g601756d.ns6.noarch.rpm
- nethserver-httpd-admin-1.4.1-1.4.g39cbb43.ns6.noarch.rpm
Updated by Vasco Castelo Branco about 6 years ago
- Assignee set to Vasco Castelo Branco
Updated by Vasco Castelo Branco about 6 years ago
- Status changed from ON_QA to VERIFIED
- Assignee deleted (
Vasco Castelo Branco) - % Done changed from 70 to 90
Updated by Edoardo Spadoni about 6 years ago
- Status changed from VERIFIED to ON_QA
- % Done changed from 90 to 70
Updated by Edoardo Spadoni about 6 years ago
- Status changed from ON_QA to TRIAGED
- % Done changed from 70 to 20
Updated by Edoardo Spadoni about 6 years ago
- Status changed from TRIAGED to MODIFIED
- % Done changed from 20 to 60
If the module is installed and there is not a indexed db to get the tree structure, the ui doesn't show the tree. Also the file list on directory (ajax call to get the list) is too much expensive in terms of usability.
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Status changed from MODIFIED to ON_QA
- % Done changed from 60 to 70
- nethserver-restore-data-0.0.1-1.10.g8ed756c.ns6.noarch.rpm
Updated by dz0 0te about 6 years ago
i have read the test case, that start from a no backup config status.
in the old version (nethserver-restore-data-0.0.1-1.8.g601756d) i've also noticed that if i already have one or more backup, after installing the nethserver-restore-data package accessing to restore tab give me an error in the UI:
[["Tf0a2af2d",[]],["T689a3796",null],["T3ace11bc",null],["T2e032b5c",{"text":"\/","children":[]}],["__COMMANDS__",{"0":{"R":"RestoreData","M":"setMandatoryFields","A":[{"RestoreData_path":true,"RestoreData_position":false}]}}],["__STATE__","644c2cc8d92dd02f37db4de45f9628fc"]] [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() See the system log for details.
Jun 19 09:17:53 ns6fresh httpd-admin: [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - File /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/RestoreData.php, line 116
after a backup-data from shell (or probably after the next scheduled backup) i can access to the restore tab.
I do not know if it is the correct behavior, so, in doubt I wanted to report it
Updated by Edoardo Spadoni about 6 years ago
We just updated the rpm package that include the fix for your error. The correct version should be 0.0.1-1.10.g8ed756c.ns6
. Try to wait the sync of repositories, then update the package and do again the test cases.
Updated by dz0 0te about 6 years ago
i have no more problem to access to Restore page (even in presence of old backup) but 'im
Stuck at test case 2, the directory content of selected node is not showed.
Tested with and without existent backup.
Updated by Edoardo Spadoni about 6 years ago
You can ignore the second test case (I just remove it) because we removed that part. Thanks
Updated by dz0 0te about 6 years ago
- Assignee set to dz0 0te
Updated by dz0 0te about 6 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
dz0 0te) - NEEDINFO changed from No to Yes
System and Package Version installed
VM KVM - Clean installation of Nethserver 6.6 fully update
Package Installed: nethserver-httpd-admin-1.4.0-1.ns6.noarch
Other Package installed: Backup, File server,Web server
Test Original Problem
Install Updated Package
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-httpd-admin-1.4.1-1.4.g39cbb43.ns6 nethserver-restore-data-0.0.1-1.10.g8ed756c.ns6
Test Results after update
Test Case 1
OK. Tree of dir, created and navigable
Test Case 3
OK. Search start with at least 3 chars, works correctly
Test Case 4
OK. Data restored. All folder overwritten
Test Case 5
OK. Data restored in new folder NameFolder_date
Test Case
OK. Restoring multple nodes in original or new dirs works.
All test made from shell works restoring correct data.
only one Problem: if from shell i delete an ibay folder (with guest access in r/w enabled) i could not re-enter in the ibay after restoring it. I must reset permission frome the UI to gain access from guest (the data is restored correctly)
No problem if i delete the content of the ibay and then restore it.
No problem with the ibay when i login as user (menmber of the group who own the share)
I'm not sure if this is a bug (like it seems) or a normal behavior...
Updated by Vasco Castelo Branco about 6 years ago
This feacture is verified or need to be retested?
Updated by dz0 0te about 6 years ago
hi Vasco, as i say in the Note, i have one minor problem with permission when the ibay is in read/write mode for guest. Data is there but i must reset permission to gain access. I don't know if thi is a bug or a normal behavior so i've marked NEEDINFO=YES, and i'm waiting infor from the devs. I've planned to retest in the week-end but if you want and you have some time maybe could you test to see if you have the same problem otherwise we can expect some info from the devs. tnx
Updated by Vasco Castelo Branco about 6 years ago
I asked only to know if you forget to change the enhancement status.
As I see the tests requested by the devs are ok.
Its better to set as verified in order to continue the work
In the notes you can inform the problem you found and they will decide if is necessary to open a bug or not
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
only one Problem: if from shell i delete an ibay folder (with guest access in r/w enabled) i could not re-enter in the ibay after restoring it. I must reset permission frome the UI to gain access from guest (the data is restored correctly)
There is no way to workaround this problem, but we should definitively document this behavior.
All major tests are passed, I think this is a go.
Surely we should improve this application in the near future but we need to collect more usage scenarios.
Thanks to both testers!
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Status changed from ON_QA to VERIFIED
- % Done changed from 70 to 90
Updated by Giacomo Sanchietti about 6 years ago
- Status changed from VERIFIED to CLOSED
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
- nethserver-backup-data-1.1.4-1.ns6.noarch.rpm
- nethserver-restore-data-1.0.0-1.ns6.noarch.rpm
Backup documentation updated.