Welcome to NethForge

NethForge is the place where you can find extra modules built by the community for NethServer.

List of available modules

yum install nethserver-nethforge-release rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NETHFORGE-6

The package will configure two new repositories:

Install a module

From nethforge:
  • Open the server-manager web interface and go to Package manager page. You should see a new category on the top called NethForge.
  • Simply choose a package and install it!

From nethforge-testing:

  • Issue the following command:
    yum install --enablerepo=nethforge-testing package-name

If the contributor followed the guidelines, you don't need extra commands after installation, since the 'signal-event module_name-update' will have expanded and restarted required services.

But in certain cases you may have to change module options and then you will have to do a 'signal-event module_name-save' after you have modified that options with DB commands.

Create a new module

Summary of the current process:
  • the contributor develops the package(s) inside his own machine
  • when the package is ready for QA, (s)he should raise a request to the ML (or IRC channel)
Everyone who wants to contribute a new module, should create an account. To ease this step here is a list of supported OpenID providers with corresponding URL:

Insert the URL inside the field OpenID URL and, if needed, substitute USER with your username.

When you create a new a module:
  • file a new Feature issue for the new module, creating a new category for it
  • create a wiki page which describes the module, based on Module template.

All packages should follow the well-known RPM guidelines, from the Developer manual.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Related issue should be placed on QA state without an assignee. Then, any other community member can assign the issue to itself and test the package.

If all listed tests are successfully completed, the issue state can be changed to VERIFIED, if some tests fail the issue state should be set to TRIAGED.

The full development process is documented on the Developer manual.