Enhancement #1605
Update plymouth theme on first-boot
Status: | CLOSED | Start date: | 01/25/2013 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | 01/25/2013 | |
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 100% | |
Category: | nethserver-base | |||
Target version: | v6.4-alpha2 | |||
Resolution: | NEEDINFO: |
To see "NethServer" on plymouth splash screen we must execute the new-kernel-pkg
script via /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-update-initrd
during first-boot event.
Maybe the process can be started detached as it takes a long time to complete.
Note that the same script is executed on kernel package updates. See rpm -q --scripts kernel
Associated revisions
first-boot event: run nethserver-base-plymouth-update action, to complete plymouth rebranding in a background process. Refs #1605
Updated by Davide Principi over 8 years ago
- Tracker changed from Task to Enhancement
- Project changed from NethServer 6 to 1
- Due date set to 01/25/2013
- Status changed from NEW to MODIFIED
- Assignee set to Davide Principi
- Start date set to 01/25/2013
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Davide Principi over 8 years ago
- Project changed from 1 to NethServer 6
Updated by Davide Principi over 8 years ago
- Status changed from MODIFIED to CLOSED
Updated by Davide Principi over 8 years ago
State set to closed
on NethServer 6.4 alpha2 release