NethServer SOGo Thunderbird

Publish SOGo Integrator updates for Thunderbird clients.

Actually the *.xpi files and metadata manifest are shipped with sogo-frontends package; please refer to sogo-frontends documentation on how to add new plugin releases to your installation.


  • Automatic SOGo Integrator configuration and deployment

Database reference

Configuration DB:


ThunderbirdUpdateUrl: URL template where TB clients are directed to query for SOGo Integrator plugin updates. If the value is missing the following default applies:

The %-delimited placeholders are substituted with actual values by TB.
WARNING The protocol must be https to avoid harmful redirects!

Deploying SOGo-integrator updates

  • Install/Update sogo-frontends or a similar package that provides a MANIFEST-*.tsv file, xpi archives, and patches (see sogo-frontends for details).
  • Signal nethserver-sogo-thunderbird-update event:
        # signal-event nethserver-sogo-thunderbird-update
    If nethserver-sogo-thunderbird and sogo-frontends are installed during the same Yum transaction you are not required to signal the event manually.

SOGo Integrator notes

SOGo Mozilla Thunderbird Configuration Guide states:

There are actually two steps in the configuration of a working environment for SOGo Integrator.
First of all, the Integrator will use the same user name used to connect to the first email server
configured in Thunderbird. It is a current limitation but it will fit nearly all configurations out

The above requirement must be taken into account during service deployment.

The second part requires editing one file in the extension file sub tree to specify where the
SOGo server is located. This is done by hand. In an enterprise environment, this step is only
required once per release since the updates are expected to propagate automatically.

This is performed automatically by nethserver-sogo-build-integrator action.